UAS Blog

5 Reasons your Skin Looks Dull & How to Fix it

Written by Ismay Radisich | Nov 2, 2020 6:49:05 AM

Struggling with skin dullness? 

Here are 5 reasons your skin may be looking dull and uneven as you age.

1. You aren't exfoliating

Dead skin cells should naturally shed to reveal the younger, brighter skin cells beneath. However, certain elements cause dead skin cells to stick to the skin, such as make-up, excess oil and skin care products that fail to detach the dead skin cells from the skin and instead glue them down.

Exfoliating the skin is vital to remove dead skin cells as it aids the absorption of skin care ingredients, and reveals the brighter, newer skin cells beneath for a clearer, lighter complexion.

2. Skin dehydration 

Just as our bodies become dehydrated due to lack of water, our skin becomes dehydrated too. When the skin is dehydrated it becomes dry, dull and its functioning becomes sluggish. This means it does not defend itself well against external pollutants and UV radiation and it may appear unhealthy and grey.

Drinking water is vital for internal hydration. When the body is hydrated, the skin (the body’s largest organ) can perform at its best and defend itself against environmental damage.

3. Lifestyle / environmental factors can hinder skin health 

Smoking, working in polluted environments, poor diet and exposure to harsh environments which deprive the skin of much-needed oxygen and nutrients will result in dull skin tone. Each of these will affect the way the skin functions including blood flow and cell turnover which can lead to a dull skin tone over time.

Protecting and supporting your skin inside and out is vital for optimal skin immunity, circulation and functioning.

4. Overactive oil glands

Oily skin can lead to congestion and dull skin tone. When oily skin combines with dead cell matter, it can cause the redundant skin cells to stick to the surface of the skin causing a less vibrant appearance.

When we cleanse the skin regularly, dead skin cells lift away from the skin, revealing a brighter, fresher appearance.

5. Using the wrong skin care products

If you are experiencing dull skin, a lotion designed to brighten the skin can achieve excellent results. By mixing up your skin care regime, your skin will respond to new ingredients. Brightening ingredients, combined with Retinol for dead cell removal and skin cell renewal, are designed to even skin tone by relieving the skin of dead cell matter and actively targeting darkened areas.

If you want to lighten scars, pigmentation and achieve a youthful, healthy glow, Neutriderm Brightening Lotion is designed to support healthy skin with a natural brightening action for flawless skin.


Neutriderm Brightening Body Lotion is a pH balanced body lotion designed to lighten skin pigmentation such as acne scars, age spots, and can be used in intimate areas without sensitivity. 

Ready to reveal your best skin this summer? Purchase your Neutriderm Brightening Body Lotion here.