UAS Blog

Beating the Winter Skin Woes

Written by Ismay Radisich | Jun 20, 2019 8:04:59 AM

Winter is here, and with that comes the perils of dry skin, unwanted redness, and the dreaded itching and flaking that we associate only with the coolest part of the year. While we enjoy curling up by the fire, heated blankets, and warm cozy interiors, these elements combined with cold winds can leave us looking and feeling a little worse for wear. So how do we minimise the affects of the winter spell?

There are four key things that occur in winter:

  • We drink less water
  • Natural elements dry our skin externally
  • We are exposed to indoor heating
  • We stop protecting our skin  


Here’s our guide to maintaining soft and bouncy skin year-round:   


1. Cleanse

Now is the time to lift the dry and dead skin cells away to make way for the younger, healthier skin cells to shine on through. Opt for a non-abrasive cleanser as these can cause micro-damage to your skin while encouraging excess oil production. If the redundant skin cells aren’t lifted away, this excess oil can lead to congestion and a crepe-like skin texture. A cleanser that looks to dissolve and lift away dead skin cells is ideal and will prepare the skin to readily accept nutrients. Dermavive Hydra Cleanser is soap-free to avoid drying, while its nourishing formulation leaves the skin feeling refreshed and renewed after each use. 

The next step is to support these healthy skin cells both externally and internally.

2. Drink Up

Keep drinking your H20 – yes, even when you don’t feel like it. When the weather is cool we still need to maintain our internal hydration. By keeping your internal hydration levels up, you can regulate the moisture levels within your skin and counteract those drying environments that lead to transepidermal water loss which is accelerated by humid environments caused by internal heating.

Need a reminder? There’s an App for that! Download Water Reminder to remind you to sip water regularly. 

3. Moisturise + Brighten In One 

Say goodbye to dull, dry skin with a lotion that tackles both texture and tone. Neutriderm Brightening Body Lotion is a unique Vitamin E (Tocopherol) based lotion which nourishes the skin from the outside, while having the added benefits of Retinol to really boost cell renewal. Vitamin E lotions have been known to replenish the deeper layers of the epidermis, which leave the skin looking and feeling healthier with continued use. Healthy skin not only looks and feels better, it is better equipped to withstand the winter elements. Neutriderm Brightening Body Lotion is designed to lock the moisture into your skin, to provide you with long lasting hydration while supporting a bright and even complexion. Start using Neutriderm Brightening Body Lotion in winter to support a healthy, bright and bouncy complexion year-round. 

4. Air Control

While we can't control the air outside, we can control the air inside. That's right, it's time to dust off the humidifier. Not only is it excellent for keeping our sinuses clear in winter, a humidifier will counteract the dryness in the air caused by internal heating. A humidifier replenishes the moisture within the air and has been known to minimise the nasty affects of the dry winter air such as dry, flaky and rough feeling skin. 


Neutriderm Brightening Body Lotion is designed to encourage healthy cell turnover while providing the all-important nourishment for a soft, bouncy and bright complexion. 

Recommended for all skin types, Neutriderm Brightening Body Lotion is also designed to even out the complexion and fight pigmentation, a win-win!