UAS Blog

Top 5 New Year (Skin) Resolutions

Written by Ismay Radisich | Dec 31, 2020 11:23:00 PM

Looking to make some New Year resolutions that you can stick to? When it comes to caring for your skin correctly, there are easy ways to enhance your skin care regime.

Here are our top 5 skin resolutions to guarantee your best skin in 2021! 

1. Go Chemical Free

The low-tox movement is gaining momentum, and we can see why. As families move towards a chemical-free, low toxin lifestyle, this also applies to skin care. By committing to a range of chemical-free products you can drastically reduce chemical exposure within your household.

We firmly believe that natural is always best. Natural ingredients are recognised by the body’s skin cells, and therefore generally cause fewer reactions and sensitivities in vulnerable and young skins. There is a feel-good element to gaining real results with real ingredients.

2. Support Australian Made

Australian made and owned products are important for so many reasons. Australian made supports the economy, local jobs and ensures availability and strict regulation of ingredients and the quality of products. Where you can, always support locally made skin care products.

3. Cleanse Daily

The party season may have thrown you out of routine. Get back on track by simply cleansing to remove make-up, sunscreen and the daily dirt your skin encounters each day. Cleanse with a pH balanced soap-free cleanser to support your skin and prepare it to readily absorb lotions and oils. 

4. Up Your Antioxidants

Up your antioxidants for skin that functions at its best. Ward off free radical attack from bacteria, UV rays and the environment by supporting your skin’s barrier. Antioxidants protect the skin and encourage a healthy, youthful appearance.

If you suffer with dry skin, redness or reactive skin, antioxidants such as Vitamin E can help relieve the itch and inflammation. Vitamin E products provide complete antioxidant support for skin that functions well and looks and feels youthful. 

5. Restore + Protect 

Once you’ve mastered your cleansing routine it’s important to restore moisture. Moisturising products that actively deliver water to skin cells will provide you with long lasting hydration. Hydrated skin functions at its best and better defends itself against dry skin symptoms. While you're there include a broad spectrum SPF in your routine to further ward off environmental damage and premature ageing caused by excess UV exposure. Make this part of your new morning ritual and achieve your best skin (naturally) in 2021. 


Neutriderm Moisturising Lotion is an Australian made antioxidant rich Vitamin E skin treatment. It has been formulated to provide effective hydration while increasing barrier defence, fighting the signs of ageing and protecting against the elements. It is a complete skin moisturiser for anyone seeking smooth, supple and youthful looking skin.

Ready to feel and look your best in the New Year? Purchase your Neutriderm Moisturising Lotion here.