
5 Causes of Hair Loss you Didn't Know About

/ by Ismay Radisich posted in Hair, Neutriderm


Is your hair thinning or lacking fullness? While it's normal to lose between 100-150 strands per day, a staggering 50%* of all women will experience female pattern hair loss at some point.   

Keen to learn more about hair loss? Here are five uncommonly known causes to consider as well as tips for turning your hair loss woes around. 

#1: Styling Habits

One of the most common causes of excess hair loss is caused by the environment we create for our hair. A challenging environment is caused by hair styling tools which require heat, hair elastics, hats which cause friction, as well as hair styles which tug our hair at the hairline such as tight ponytails and the favourable top knot. Not only do these styling habits cause strain on the hair via heat and tension, they can also lead to long term thinning of the hair by consistent pulling and damage.

Tip: Give your hair a break from heat, opt for gentle brushes such as detanglers, and wear your hair out - especially when sleeping. 

#2: Contraceptives

Birth control pills are known to have a number of affects on the functioning of our skin so its no surprise that these tiny pills can cause changes to our hair also. The oral contraceptive can cause those with a predisposition to hair thinning to experience more drastic thinning when taking the pill. In addition to this, according to the American Hair Loss Association, “Women who are hypersensitive to the hormonal changes taking place in their bodies can experience hair loss to varying degrees while on the pill or more commonly, several weeks or months after stopping the pill.”

Tip: If you are concerned about your current course of contraception, now is the time to speak with your doctor about side-effects and alternate options. 

#3: Stress

When we feel stressed we often use the term "pulling our hair out", but that's not actually how stress affects our hair density. Extreme stress can lead to a disruption of the hair's normal growth cycle. To get technical, the "telegon" phase is the end of the hair life cycle. Stress causes hair to enter this phase prematurely making it fall faster than normal therefore shortening the life cycle of individual hair strands.

Tip: Adequate sleep combined with a healthy diet and exercise regime have shown to assist in the natural regulation of the stress hormone, cortisol. 

#4: Vitamin Deficiencies 

Deficiencies in vitamins can lead to thinning hair due to malnourishment and an impaired immune system. Crash diets and eating disorders are often to blame for this as the body struggles to nurture its cells. A Vitamin D deficiency can dramatically affect hair growth while Vitamins B, C, Zinc and Iron are known for helping your hair grow faster and appear luscious and full. 

Tip: Before starting any sort of new diet be sure that the diet meets all of your nutritional needs including vitamins B,C and D. 

#5 Post Partum Hair Loss

While many expecting women experience a surge in hair growth during pregnancy, post-partum hair loss is a very real and common concern for new mums. While it may feel like you are losing your hair, it's actually just your body's way of regulating your hair growth rate. The scientific reason for this is that pregnancy hormones slow hair loss stopping you from shedding the standard 50-100 strands per day. As estrogen decreases post-birth, a shedding occurs as the body starts to revert back to its normal growth cycle. During this time hair can fall quite drastically which can cause alarm. But don't fret, this is a normal process of both pregnancy and post-partum periods.

Tip: If you would like to restore your hair back to its pre-baby glory quickly, Sabal Extract products can help fast track your progress. 


If thinning, lack lustre hair is causing you concern, it might be time to switch up your hair care routine. The Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Range consists of a shampoo, conditioner and a lotion, which are formulated to support maximum hair regrowth and strengthening results. These ingredients include: 

  • Sabal Extract blocks 5-alpha-reductase, an enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT which is responsible for premature hair loss.
  • Mulberry Root Extract has hair growth factors which positively effect the growth cycle.
  • Zinc Gluconate supports scalp and follicle health while preventing the overproduction of DHT.
  • Zinc Citrate assists in hair regrowth for those who are mineral deficient.  
  • Panthenol improves hair elasticity, moisture retention and strength. 

Formulated to nourish the scalp and minimise hair fall, a 90% reduction in breakage can be noticed within one month of using the Neutriderm Hair Enhancer range. 

*Australian Journal of Medical Practice - Female Pattern Hair Loss 

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The Best Ingredients to use if you have Dry Skin

/ by Ismay Radisich posted in Moisturiser, Atopic Dermatitis, Colloidal Oatmeal, hydrate, dry skin, psoriasis


Are you ready to say goodbye to dry, flaky, itchy skin - for good?

There are many triggers associated with dry skin, and frustratingly these aren't isolated to the cooler months. The good news is, year-round remedies exist, you just need to find the right formula!   

Let's look at the characteristics, treatment, and of course, the ingredients which can soothe and maintain your dry skin quickly. 

Dry Skin Conditions 

Dry skin conditions are among the most common skin concerns seen by Dermatologists. Dry skin can be identified as flaky skin, itchy and tight feeling skin. Dry skin can also lead to more severe skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, which can flare up in times of stress, humidity and extreme drying environments. 

It's important to support dry skin with topical remedies which work with the skin's natural functions. Natural ingredients will  not only support the skin with real results, they can be used long term.


Treatment & Maintenance

Treating dry skin conditions comprises of a number of components. These involve restoring the skin barrier to ensure it can heal effectively, minimising inflammation to allow the skin to heal and defend itself, and relieving the discomfort associated with dry skin by soothing and eliminating the need to scratch the skin. A product which can also provide mild antiseptic properties will further encourage cleansing while warding off bacteria and infections which can exacerbate the condition. 

Once the skin's barrier has been restored the skin must be supported daily with a moisturiser which both nourishes and protects. Maintenance is key to ensure the skin maintains its water levels for long lasting hydration. 


Ingredients To Look For

  • Natural Colloidal Oatmeal is the key multi-functional ingredient used by Dermavive for dry skin products. Natural Colloidal Oatmeal contains saponins which have cleansing and antibacterial properties making it ideal for cleansers and moisturisers. The cellulose and fibre found in the oats neutralise the pH of dry itchy skin, making it effective to soothe and calm irritation upon application. Furthermore, Natural Colloidal Oatmeal is an effective emollient which provides the skin with an occlusive layer to prevent water loss.  
  • Jojoba oil is naturally rich in vitamins A, B, D & E. Jojoba Oil  boasts anti-inflammatory properties which help to ease and eliminate flaking, chaffing, as well as redness caused by drying, keeping the skin feeling smooth and supple. Jojoba Oil is also known to ease the effects of atopic skin conditions such as eczema and rosacea.
    The complex vitamin B found within the Jojoba Oil allows it to effectively repair the skin and minimise environmental damage to an impaired skin barrier. 
  • Vitamin E has the unique ability to provide nourishment to the surface layers of the skin while also providing barrier protection properties. Vitamin E has the ability to reduce membrane fluidity, cleanse, and prevent free radical transfer from one polyunsaturated fat to another - effectively protecting the skin. 

Dermavive Dry Skin Crème is a Dermatologically endorsed formula containing a professionally formulated blend of Natural Colloidal Oatmeal, Jojoba Oil and Vitamin E. With the support of the Eczema Association of Australasia Inc. Dermavive Dry Skin Crème is an excellent conjunctive therapy and maintenance product for dry skin conditions. 


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Psoriasis: How To Manage The Frustrating, Flaky Skin Condition.

/ by Ismay Radisich posted in Dermavive, Atopic Dermatitis, Colloidal Oatmeal, hydrate, dry skin, ageing, psoriasis


Psoriasis is not only hard to live with due to its intense itchy, flaky nature, it's also incredibly hard to treat. Without proper treatment and ongoing management, Psoriasis can cause constant irritation and inflammation of the skin leaving sufferers vulnerable to a lifetime of ongoing flare-ups. 

To stop this cycle we must look at supporting the skin with long-term preemptive solutions. But first let's look at the condition itself so we can understand its complexity and its triggers. 


1. Understanding Psoriasis & What It Looks Like 

Psoriasis is a dry skin disorder which is caused by high turn over of skin cells. This condition can cause skin cells to multiply by up to 10 times faster than normal, leaving sufferers with excess layers of dry skin build up on the surface of the skin. 

Psoriasis generally rears its head in early adulthood and will persist in a few specific areas in small or large patches anywhere on the body or scalp. 

Signs of Psoriasis include: Plaques of red skin, often covered with silver or white flaky scales. The skin will present itself as red, irritated, inflamed and itchy. 


2. Psoriasis Triggers 

There are a number of elements that come in to play to cause Psoriasis flare-ups. Being proactive with your topical treatments is paramount during times when you may be exposed to or suffer from: 

  • Stress which may trigger itching and an incessant need to scratch the skin 
  • Allergies which may affect the skin's immunity leading to a flare-up
  • Climate/Environment including humid and dry conditions which dehydrate the skin 
  • Abrasions to the skin which impair the skin barrier 
  • Hormonal changes including pregnancy and menopause 

3. Psoriasis Treatments 

It's common for Doctors to treat Psoriasis with topical Corticosteroids, however, we now know that these creams provide a band-aid fix without any sort of long term remedy. We also know that long-term use of steroid creams can be detrimental to the condition of the skin.

When it comes to providing natural remedies for successful Psoriasis treatment, studies show us that oils are most effective in providing moisturising, nourishing and defensive therapies. Emollients which have been developed to soothe the skin, provide barrier repair therapy which enable the skin to heal. Hydrating body oils provide intense moisture delivery for severe dry skin conditions which initiates immediate relief from irritation and inflammation within the skin - a must for Psoriasis sufferers. 

Dermavive Intensive Body Hydrating Oil is a pH balanced oil which is designed to provide Psoriasis sufferers immediate relief from itching while effectively reducing inflammation via the effects of Natural Colloidal Oatmeal.   

Dermavive Intensive Body Hydrating Oil effectively addresses dry, flaky skin conditions through an especially formulated combination of the following ingredients: 

  • Natural Colloidal Oatmeal contains saponins which have cleansing and antibacterial properties. The cellulose and fibre found in the oats neutralises the pH of dry itchy skin effectively soothing and calming irritations. 
  • Sodium PCA is a humectant with natural moisturising factors to support hydration levels within the skin. 
  • Liquid Paraffin locks moisture into the skin by creating a protective barrier on the skin while  moisturising, soothing and improving the texture of skin. 
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New Year Skin Resolutions

/ by Ismay Radisich posted in Neutriderm, Vitamin E, hydrate, dry skin, ageing, pigmentation


Is 2020 the year you achieve your best skin ever?

Changing your skin care routine is one of the simplest yet most rewarding resolutions you can set yourself - and it's much easier than training for a marathon! So let's start with some easy resolutions we promise ANYONE can stick to.  


Resolution #1: Exfoliate Your Body Daily 

Did you know you can jump-start the skin renewal process by encouraging dead skin cells to shed via exfoliation? Products containing Retinol will help you shed old dull skin cells making way for the younger skin cells to come through. Make it a habit to use an exfoliating body wash and look for body moisturisers containing Retinol to supercharge your efforts. Retinol will dissolve the bond between the dead skin cells and the surface of your skin allowing them to effectively regulate and lift away. 


Resolution #2: Hydrate Straight After Your Shower 

Restore the moisture to your skin when it needs it most. This means straight after the shower.

Hot water can strip the skin of precious oils and moisture and lead to dehydration of the skin. For this reason, post-shower is the best time to replenish your skin's vital water levels. Look for a moisturiser that contains hydrating ingredients such as Glycerin or Tocopherol which will restore moisture levels while locking the moisture into the skin with barrier protection capabilities. 


Resolution #3: Brighten Up Those Imperfections 

If uneven skin tone is a concern, opting for a product that contains brightening ingredients is a fast way to hydrate and brighten in one. Look for a product that contains both Retinol to encourage cell renewal along with brightening agents such as Tetrahydro Diferuloylmethane which is derived from Tumeric. This is a natural brightening addwdgent known to enhance skin tone and lighten areas of pigmentation commonly found on elbows, knees, and sensitive areas of the body as well as scarring.


Resolution #4: Know What You're Putting on Your Skin

One of the key things to remember, is to nourish your body. It's a two-way relationship. If you want your skin to look its best, encourage it to function optimally with the correct nourishment inside and out. Reading the ingredients list on your products is vital to encourage optimal skin health. We recommend using products with fewer ingredients and look for those active ingredients that really work. Do your research on the ingredients of a product before you buy! 


Neutriderm Brightening Body Lotion is a multi-function body lotion which works to effectively restore moisture, encourage cell renewal and skin tone. This antioxidant-rich product is designed to achieve optimal hydration and an even skin tone thanks to the following professionally endorsed formulation: 

  • Retinol - stimulates cell turnover and corrects skin tone
  • Glycerin - Draws water into the outer layer of the skin from within for intense hydration
  • Tocopherol - strengthens the skin's protective barrier to prevent moisture loss
  • Tetrahydro Diferuloylmethane - a derivative of turmeric used as a skin-whitening ingredient with rich antioxidant properties
  • Benzoic Acid - known for its soothing and intense moisturising properties
  • Trehalose - an antioxidant with moisturising and water binding properties which increases and maintains hydration

Dermatologically endorsed and formulated to nourish your skin with superior ingredients, this dual acting hydrating and brightening body lotion is an easy way to step up your skin routine in 2020. 


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Antioxidants in Skin Care: Are You Getting Enough?

/ by Ismay Radisich posted in Neutriderm, Vitamin E, hydrate, dry skin, ageing, pigmentation


They're considered the holy grail of skin care, and while it's generally assumed that antioxidants are good for us, how exactly do they work?

To help you understand the true power of antioxidants and which products pack an antioxidant punch, we explain what they are and why you should include antioxidant-rich products in your skin care regime. 


 1. So what is an Antioxidant? 

Antioxidants protect the skin from environmental damage and pollutants which can compromise the skin's integrity. They actively work to defend the skin when under attack. How good is that?

They do this by neutralising free radicals before they can cause harm to the skin. Antioxidants essentially latch onto the free radicals acting as a barrier between the free radical and the healthy skin molecule. In doing so they discourage damage to the skin molecule which minimises inflammation within the skin and lays the foundation for optimal skin health. To top it off, healthy skin can better defend itself against external pollutants, UV damage and dehydration further increasing your skin health. 


2. The Hero's of Antioxidants

The most potent forms of antioxidants include Vitamins E, A and C. These guys pack a serious antioxidant punch! 

Vitamin E in particular (often referred to as Tocopherol Acetate or Tocopherol Phosphate in skin care) is one of the most effective antioxidants found in skin care products. Vitamin E has a unique multi-function action of successfully delivering antioxidants to the outer layers of the skin while providing barrier protection to the surface of the skin which helps to maintain moisture retention. 

The form of Vitamin E to look for is Tocopherol Phosphate. Tocopherol Phosphate is a naturally occurring form of vitamin E, as opposed to Tocopherol Acetate which is synthetic. While both have the ability to provide anti-ageing and healing benefits to the skin, Tocopherol Phosphate is in a class of its own. This is due to its ability to reduce membrane fluidity, cleanse, and prevent free radical transfer from one polyunsaturated fat to another - reducing further free radical damage to the skin. One of the only moisturisers to contain Tocopherol Phosphate is Neutriderm's Vitamin E Moisturising Lotion

If plump, soft, healthy looking skin is what you're after, this is a unique antioxidant and one to look for when purchasing creams, oils and serums.


3. Who Can Benefit From Antioxidants in Skin Care? 

Antioxidants are beneficial for a variety of skin concerns. Commonly praised for their ability to help fight ageing and build the skin's immunity thanks to fighting free radicals, antioxidants also play a vital role in supporting skin which may suffer from:

  • Inflammation
  • Dry and dehydrated skins 
  • Atopic skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis 
  • Ageing and premature ageing 
  • Environmentally damaged skin including pigmentation 

Inflamed and compromised skins negatively impact the skin's rejuvenation process. By calming inflammation, antioxidants create the environment for skin to repair itself and correct visible damage. Healthy skin is less likely to show the visible signs of environmental damage which includes dry skin, signs of premature ageing, pigmentation and more. Antioxidants are essential for the integrity of all skins to ensure they function at their best. 


Neutriderm Moisturising Lotion is an antioxidant-rich product designed to restore and maintain moisture levels within the skin for long lasting hydration thanks to its dermatologically endorsed formulation: 

  • Vitamin E Tocopherol Phosphate - when applied topically helps to nourish and protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals. 
  • Sodium PCA - increases the water content of the skin's surface by drawing moisture from the surrounding air. 
  • Glycerin - a humectant used for its ability to draw water into the outer layer of the skin for increased hydration levels. 
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5 Signs Your Skin Care Routine Needs a Reboot

/ by Ismay Radisich posted in Dermavive, Colloidal Oatmeal, hydrate


Are your skin care products getting you real results? Or are you investing your time and money on a regime that is familiar but not effective

Just like our bodies tell us when we aren't fueling them appropriately, our skin tells us when it needs a nutrient boost. If you have noticed one of these five common characteristics then it's time to shake up your skin care routine - and this starts with your cleanser! 



1. Dry, flaky skin 

Dry, flaky skin often lacks water. Trans epidermal water loss refers to the dehydration of the skin and low levels of natural oils. This can be a result of using a cleanser that strips the skin of natural oils leaving it feeling dry, tight and lacking hydration. Soap-free cleansers that contain colloidal oatmeal are known for increasing hydration levels as you cleanse. This is thanks to the oatmeal's ability to store water and nutrients and deliver them to the skin as you cleanse. 

2. Break Outs 

Break outs can occur when our cleansers don't do the job they're supposed to. If your cleanser isn't lifting away dirt and unblocking the pores properly, the pores remain blocked with dirt and become clogged with excess sebum which cannot be released through the pore. This leads to congestion, blackheads and eruptions. An easy way to avoid this is to find a cleanser that dissolves and lifts away the dirt that gets trapped within the pores.

A cleanser that contains colloidal oatmeal not only has the ability to cleanse gently and effectively it also has antibacterial benefits to ensure the skin remains clean and free from nasty pimple-causing bacteria. 

3. Fine Lines 

Your standard skin care routine may have worked for you in your twenties, but once you start noticing fine lines, it's time to invest in products with an anti-ageing focus. 

A cleanser that contains anti-inflammatory ingredients such as colloidal oatmeal helps to maintain harmony within the skin which supports the skin's immunity. Strong, healthy skin has the ability to maintain its integrity when under pressure from external factors such as UV rays and free radicals from air pollutants and toxins. 

4. Dull Skin 

If a dull complexion is dragging you down, mixing up the first step in your skin care routine is a great place to start. A citric acid cleanser has the ability to brighten the skin thanks to its ability to break down the protein bonds between dead and living skin cells. This action allows the older, dead cells to lift away. Say hello to a fresher, brighter complexion!  

5. No Longer Seeing Results?

Just like our bodies accustom themselves to an exercise routine, our skin can get used to our daily skin care regimes. By introducing new ingredients to your routine, your skin will recognise and respond to new ingredients. If these ingredients are naturally recognised by the skin, a positive response will follow. These responses may include brightening dull skin with citric acid, or soothing, hydrating and thoroughly cleansing the skin with ingredients such as colloidal oatmeal. 


Dermavive's Hydra Cleanser is a multi-functioning cleanser designed to get you real results when you're in a skin care rut. The ingredients found in Hydra Cleanser include: 

  • Natural Colloidal Oatmeal - with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties colloidal oatmeal draws moisture into the skin and locks it in by forming a protective barrier.
  • Sodium PCA - can hold several times its weight in water making it a powerful humectant. 
  • Citric Acid - breaks down the protein bonds between dead and living skin cells, causing the older, dead cells to lift away revealing the younger cells beneath. 
  • Glycerin - a powerful humectant and moisturising agent that draws water into the outer layer from within the deeper layers of your skin and the air. 


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Everything You Need to Know About Hyperpigmentation

/ by Ismay Radisich posted in Neutriderm, Skin Whitening, ageing, pigmentation, hyperpigmentation

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Do you find your skin appearing darker or uneven as you age? Did you know that hyperpigmentation can add years to your appearance? Eek! But don’t be alarmed, there are creams designed to help regulate your skin tone woes and restore your skin to its true age. Phew!

But first, let’s explore the condition itself to understand the causes and most common forms of hyperpigmentation and how we can control them. 



What is Hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation is the direct effect of increased melanin production – the pigment that gives skin its colour. Melanin appears due to the over production of melanocyte skin cells, which occurs for a number of reasons including sun exposure, trauma to the skin including acne scarring, as well as medications.

Hyperpigmentation may appear on the skin in the form of darkened areas of both the face and body. When it comes to sun exposure, many women notice sunspots as they age. Sunspots are a common form of hyperpigmentation which appear as darkened circles on the face, chest and hands, and are known for ageing the appearance of the skin dramatically.


What is Melasma?

Melasma is a form of hyperpigmentation which is triggered further by hormonal changes in the body’s cellular makeup. This can be caused by contraceptives, medications, as well as naturally occurring hormonal changes during pregnancy, nursing, and menopause.

Melasma will commonly appear on the areas of the skin which have been exposed to the sun, such as bridge of the forehead, nose, cheeks, and chest, and can appear in obscure shapes and sizes and depths of colour.

When the skin is compromised by hormones and stress, UV rays can trigger melanocytes to increase and produce darkened patches on the skin in the form of melasma. When this occurs for women who are expecting, we refer to this as the "mask of pregnancy". 


Preventing Hyperpigmentation & Melasma

Pigmentation-related skin conditions can be minimised with adequate sun protection. It’s important to wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen, even in winter, and this includes areas such as your hands to avoid those age-telling sunspots.

If you are on the contraceptive pill, pregnant, nursing, or experiencing hormonal changes, covering up when in the sun is vital as this is the time when your skin will be the most vulnerable to an increase in melanocyte production and hyperpigmentation and melasma.


Undo the Damage with Skin Whitening Creams

Skin Whitening Creams have been known to even skin tone and tackle the appearance of hyperpigmentation and melasma effectively. However, the market is crowded with products that promise to whiten the skin. Some of these products work, but many fail in their promises. It's also important to mention that some popular whitening ingredients have been deemed unsafe for ongoing use, such as Hydroquinone.

Here’s how Neutriderm Skin Whitening Crème aims to deliver real results with scientifically proven (and safe) ingredients for those struggling with uneven skin tones.

Neutriderm Skin Whitening Crème is formulated to:

  • Inhibit 88% of Tyronsinase formation
    Tyrosinase is the enzyme found within Melanocytes. This enzyme plays a major role in melanin production and therefore the colour of the skin.
  • Increase hydration
    Moisturised skin is proven to function better than dehydrated skin. When skin functions at its best it appears brighter, shinier and healthier. Hydrated skin can better protect itself from environmental damage.
  • Tackle dark spots and patches 
    Antioxidants are utilised for their ability to slow down melanin production through Tyronsinase inhibition, resulting in an overall brighter and lighter skin tone.
  • Act as an anti-inflammatory
    Anti-inflammatory activity helps to control Tyronsinase production while encouraging a natural, soft looking skin.

Neutriderm Skin Whitening Crème contains effective Tyrosinase inhibitors including tetrahydrocurcumin, tetrahydropiperine, and glycerine which have been delivered in a cream for effective daily use on areas of hyperpigmentation.


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Four Fast Healing Nappy Rash Remedies

/ by Ismay Radisich posted in Dermavive, Vitamin E, Colloidal Oatmeal, hydrate

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Almost 75% of babies* will develop nappy rash in their first 12 months, and unfortunately for you and baby, once it rears its head it can be hard to control. So prevention is always best, but every now and then a cure is required to restore your baby's delicate skin back to normal so they can be their happy little self.

Here are our fastest healing nappy rash remedies which focus on preventing and healing nappy rash quickly. 



Use a High Absorbency Nappy
Most nappy rashes are caused by a wet nappy rubbing against a baby's skin. Finding the right nappies for your bub can be trial and error - there are so many options! Being spoiled for choice is a luxury, but how do you choose the right kind for you?
If your baby is prone to nappy rash, a high absorbency nappy with excellent moisture whicking capabilities is vital. We recommend looking for nappies that claim to be "high absorbency".
Nappies that feature the "wetness indicator" will also help to minimise time spent in a wet nappy. The wetness indicator which usually presents itself in a line at the front of the nappy will change colour once it gets wet to indicate when it's time for a change. 

Nappy-free Time!
In addition to keeping your baby's bottom dry with a high absorbency nappy, some time without a nappy is vital as well. As the weather warms up, some nappy-free time can do wonders for your little one as they embrace the feeling of no nappy at all. This could be part of your daily routine for 30 minutes either before or after bath time. 

Wash With Non-irritating Baby Products
What you wash your baby with is important for maintaining harmony within your little one's skin. If your little one is experiencing inflammation, washing with water alone will be the least irritating way to bathe. If you do choose to use a baby wash, a product that is pH balanced, derived from natural ingredients, and soap-free (to avoid stripping precious moisture from an already irritated area) will have the gentlest affect on the delicate skin of your little one. Look for dermatologically tested products which are specifically formulated for sensitive skins. 

Use a Colloidal Oatmeal Nappy Rash Cream 
A pH balanced nappy rash cream like Dermavive Nappy Rash Cream will not only soothe the skin with its natural colloidal oatmeal anti-inflammatory properties, it will also provide a protective barrier between your baby's skin and their nappy. This helps to heal nappy rash in two ways. The first being that it provides a physical barrier from the friction of a wet surface, which protects the skin and gives existing nappy rash the chance to heal. The second being its ability to provide barrier protection to maintain moisture within the skin and heal the surface of the skin with its active ingredients. 
A pH balanced product will also help to regulate the acid mantle which is responsible for helping the skin defend itself against external irritations as well as bacteria. 

Dermavive Nappy Rash Cream contains the following active ingredients to help heal your baby's nappy rash, FAST!

  • Natural Colloidal Oatmeal contains saponins which have cleansing and antibacterial properties. The cellulose and fibre found in the oats neutralise the pH of dry itchy skin, making it effective to soothe and calm irritation. 
  • Sodium PCA is a humectant with natural moisturising factors to support hydration levels within the skin. 
  • Zinc Oxide acts as a skin protectant to provide effective barrier protection as well as providing antibacterial relief. 
  • Almond Oil is a vitamin E rich oil that delivers superior soothing and healing properties to chapped, dry and compromised skin.  

Dermavive Nappy Rash Cream is the only formula on the market which contains both Colloidal Oatmeal and Zinc Oxide making it a unique dual-acting nappy rash remedy. 

*Reference: Diaper Rash The Bottom Line, Children's Hospital Los Angeles

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The Brightening Bar Designed to Banish Fine Lines and Wrinkles

/ by Ismay Radisich posted in Neutriderm, Skin Care, Hydroquinone, Skin Whitening, ageing

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Do dark circles have you reaching for the concealer? Do you long for an overall brighter, more youthful complexion?

Many women over 30 years of age struggle with uneven skin tone and pigmentation, which is largely due to the slowing of skin cell turnover. The most common solution is to cover these flaws with make-up rather than addressing the dull skin itself.

What if we told you that loving your true-complexion is easy with the help of an expertly formulated brightening product that not only tackles pigmentation, but the signs of ageing as well? 

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How High Does Feminine Hygiene Rate in your Daily Routine?

/ by Ismay Radisich posted in Intimate Wash, Dermavive, Feminine Hygiene, Colloidal Oatmeal


Are you using a regular body wash on your nether regions? Did you know that there are products designed specifically to wash your most sensitive areas to keep them healthy and itch-free? 

Here's the low-down on why you need a specially formulated product to wash your most intimate areas. 



1. Feminine Hygiene Products for Every Day Use

You've seen the products in the supermarket, but you might assume that you don't need these sorts of products, right? Wrong! Feminine Hygiene products are designed to keep your privates healthy. Just like we use a different cleanser for our face than we do for our body, our intimate areas require their very own formula.

With specially formulated ingredients, these products are gentle on delicate skin and encourage a healthy environment. Harsh ingredients and soaps can irritate the vulva in particular, leaving the skin itchy, inflamed and irritated. Specially formulated feminine hygiene products are designed for gentle, sting-free cleansing of the body's most sensitive areas. 

2. Treating Vaginal Dryness 

If problems do arise, such as itching, and dryness of the outer vagina, this could potentially be a case of Vulval Dermatitis (also known as Vaginal Dryness). This is an inflammatory condition which can be confused with thrush, however it is a common skin condition. Vulval Dermatitis can be identified by itching, vulval swelling as well as burning during urination or intercourse. If these symptoms do not cease with thrush treatment, it could be a case of Vulval Dermatitis. Feminine hygiene products are designed to nourish the area and minimise irritation caused by regular soaps. A pH balanced product used daily can reverse the symptoms of Vulval Dermatitis with continued use. 

3. Ingredients to Look For

  • Natural Colloidal Oatmeal: Vital for addressing inflammation, Colloidal Oatmeal encourages long lasting hydration accompanied by antibacterial properties for gentle yet effective cleansing. 
  • Sodium PCA: With a natural moisturising factor, Sodium PCA is derived from plants, fruits and coconut oil. 
  • Farnesol: With its own natural scent, Farnesol is used to mask unpleasant odors associated with conditions such as Vulval Dermatitis. 
  • Triclocarban: An antibacterial chemical which is gentle enough for use in personal care lotions and washes such as feminine hygiene products. 
  • Trehalose: With water-binding properties, Trehalose can be found in feminine hygiene products for both its moisturising and antioxidant properties. 

Dermavive's Intimate Wash contains an expertly formulated blend of the above ingredients, making it one of the most effective and gentle products on the market. Specifically formulated to encourage good skin health in the most sensitive areas of the body, Dermavive's Intimate Wash can be used for every day use for optimum vaginal health as well as part of the treatment for Vulval Dermatitis (vaginal dryness). 


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